Can you believe that summer is coming to a close? You’ve probably spent the last few weeks completing your back to school shopping for clothing and school supplies, but have you prepped the kitchen for the mad rush of morning breakfasts and lunch packing? It’s never too late to improve your kitchen organization and we have a few back to school tips that you can implement in a few hours to make preparing lunches, grabbing snacks, and breakfast on-the-go a snap.
Get Your Refrigerator Pack and Go and Grab and Go Ready.
Prep the Pantry
Set Up a Lunch Packing Station
Create a Command Center
The “Command Center.” The custom magnetic bulletin board is a great place to post schedules, cafeteria menus, and party invitations!
If you have space in your kitchen, a command center can be very helpful in keeping important schedules and paperwork organized and easily accessible.
Be sure to check out our Pinterest Boards for ideas and examples!
Zieba Builders has the experience, expertise, and passion to make your next home project a success. Ready to get started on your design & build project? Give us a call or email us today!